DLDI Right Click written by PsychoWood
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DLDI Right Click, also known as DLDIrc, is a tool written by PsychoWood. It allows you to click any .nds (and also .gba or .bin, if you wish) file within Windows and patch it with the DLDI file of your choice.
It is available from PsychoWood's website, or download DLDIrcSetup.exe here.
Main features
- Direct right-click patching (even for more than one driver)
- Automatic header PASS-patching for EzV users
- Online changelog and version checker (in the installer)
- Two languages: english and italian
- Associates with .nds and .gba/.bin files (optional)
- Can rename .gba in .nds after patching
- Adds a nice icon to .nds files (optional)
- Adds dlditool command line support in the OS path, no need to specify any folder, just call dldirc driver romfile from the rom folder (optional)
- FCSR virtual FS automatic creation and patching
- Multipatch option (one click for multiple driver patching)
- ROM DLDI support masking, to avoid autopatching from flashcards (when present)
Installation and usage
Run the setup.exe then right click any .nds file to patch it.
Change log
- v0.93
- Updated EZ4 and SCDSOne driver, added SC Rumble driver
- v0.92
- Added m3 ds real non-Beta driver
- v0.91
- Added CycloDS Evolution driver (BETA: it doesn't work with SDHC)
- Reordered menu: Multipatch and Lock/Unlock option are now after the standard DLDI patches
- v0.9
- Added dldi autopatcher enabler-disabler option, used to avoid firmware autopatching (where present)
- Updated EzV driver and GBA Movie Player (SD Card) driver
- Added Max Media Player 4gb hdd driver
- v0.81
- Added G6 Real and NEO2 SD v2 driver
- v0.8
- Added Multipatch option (creates a renamed copy of the ROM for each selected driver, except fcsr)
- v0.74
- Fixed Win2k compatibility
- v0.73
- Added Datel Games'n'Music (v1 and v2, the latter has faster reading speed) driver
- v0.72
- Added dldi file for N-card, DSlinker and other clones (nrio.dldi)
- v0.71
- Added CycloDS DLDI driver
- v0.7
- Added command line support
- Corrected language bug with FCSR (italian installed even if english was selected)
- v0.61
- Corrected FCSR image creation (was not working on non-english Windows)
- v0.6
- Added DSLink driver V4 Beta (works with DSLinux!) and EzSD_alt (for slow SD cards)
- Corrected a bug which sometimes prevented the correct removal of the icon association for .nds files
- Added online changelog: when there is an newer version available, the installer also tells what the main changes are (you'll see from the next update, of course)
- Added FCSR FS image creation. Please remember that for this to work correctly, you must create a folder with the same name (without extension) as your .nds/.ds.gba file to act as the root of your virtual filesystem. For instance, if you have 'game.nds' that requires 'wordlist.dat' to be on the root of your media card, create a folder called 'game' (if you have 'game.ds.gba' the folder name must be 'game.ds') and add 'wordlist.dat' to it. If this folder does not exist, unpredictable results may occur. Thanks to Dark Fader, dantheman, GPF and tepples
- v0.53
- Added Flash Cart SRAM driver
- v0.52
- Put the online check first in the installer, making possible to check the version without uninstalling the current one
- v0.51
- Added the option to rename .gba in .nds after DLDI patching
- v0.5
- Now DLDIrc can be associated to .bin and .gba files (to be used with .ds.gba roms, since Windows doesn't accept double extensions the association must me done with .gba)
- Updated installer: now it checks online the latest version, and requires uninstallation of previous installations.
- Minor text changes
- v0.41
- Replaced DLDIFixV with HEADFixV (avoids double DLDI patching doing only PASS patch)
- Corrected a little language messup introduced with v0.4 :)
- v0.4
- EzV users, be happy, this is for you! :)
- Replaced EzV driver with v2, some bugs corrected (version v2 isn't available from chishm site yet, this one was released by cory1492 himself, see here)
- Integrated DLDIFixV to patch the gamecode with PASS, when EzV is selected (no manual patching needed anymore). Thanks Cory for the permission :)
- v0.33
- Updated DLDI drivers
- Hex-edited some drivers (DSLink, SC DS and M3 SD) that had the very same name and this made DLDIrc install only one of them (Thanks to Ian Chamberlin for telling me :) )
- v0.32
- Updated DLDI drivers and dlditool to v1.23
- v0.31
- Forgot to turn the echo off at the beginning of the italian batch files :/
- Corrected a tiny bug in the uninstaller that was leaving the shell items instead of deleting them
- v0.3
- Changed again the registry support (thanks HyperHacker), hoping this will be the last registry change :)
- Added the version number in the title bar of the setup app
- v0.2
- Changed the way DLDIrs is registered in the registry (now uses batch files instead of direct execution) to increase compatibility with Windows
- Added AceKard+ driver
- Added the possibility to install a icon for .nds files
- v0.1
- First public version, tested more or less deeply on Windows XP, should work as well on Windows 2000 and NT (it is not tested, and probably not working, on Win98 and WinMe).